Air waybill preparation
Make sure your shipping information is complete and accurate
Air way bill eligibility
United Cargo paper air waybills (AWBs) can be obtained at any United shipping location. The document includes a copy of United Cargo’s Contract of Carriage and Limitation of Liability. All international shipment air waybills must be typed; however, we suggest that intra-U.S. air waybills are typed as well.
Air waybills must be prepared in accordance with applicable ATA and IATA Resolutions, including ATA Resolution 215.86 and IATA Resolution 600.
CNS endorsed agents are eligible for domestic air waybill number allocations through cnsc.net, subject to the parameters set forth by United. Air waybill number allocations are used by customers with the ability to print an air waybill using the IATA generic air waybill format or by using the “Create Air Waybill” application. To use the application, log into the “My cargo” section of unitedcargo.com.

Step-by-step instructions for completing your air waybill:
1. Shipper’s name, address and phone number: Write the full name, address, city, state, ZIP code and telephone number of the person, company or organization tendering the shipment.
2. Shipper’s United Cargo account number: If the shipper does not have an account number with United Cargo, please leave this field blank.
3. Consignee’s name, address and phone number: Write the name, address, city, state, ZIP code and telephone number of the individual, company or organization receiving the shipment upon delivery.
4. Consignee’s United Cargo account number: If the consignee does not have an account number with United Cargo, please leave this field blank.
5. Issuing carrier’s agent name and city: If applicable, write the agent’s name, address and city.
6. Accounting information, also notify: Enter any third-party billing information, GBL number or credit card number. If the party to be notified is different from the consignee, insert their name, address and phone number. (Optional field)
7. Agent’s IATA code: If the agent does not have an IATA code, please leave this field blank.
8. Account number: Write the issuing carrier’s agent account number.
9. Airport of departure: Enter the three-letter code for the airport of departure and desired routing.
10. Routing and destination by first carrier: Indicate the desired routing here. If shipper has not indicated a routing, United will determine the routing on the shipper’s behalf.
11. Declared value for carriage: The declared value of the shipment must be provided here. The carrier’s liability is limited unless the shipper declares a higher value. If no value is declared, write “NVD” in this field.
12. Declared value for customs: Include the declared value for customs and declared value as indicated on export documents.
13. Airport of destination: Please write the full name of the destination airport.
14. Amount of insurance: United Cargo no longer offers insurance. Intra-U.S. air waybills no longer offer the option to purchase shipper’s insurance.
15. Handling information: Enter the shipper’s confirmation number, instructions for special handling, specific information for onward carriage, reference to related air waybills or shipping documents, or other pertinent instructions.
16. Number of pieces: Enter the total number of pieces in the shipment.
17. Gross weight: Provide the combined gross weight of all pieces in the shipment.
18. KG/Lbs.: When applicable, enter kilogram (K) or pounds (L). International shipments should always appear in kilograms (K).
19. Commodity number: Insert the applicable rate class code and commodity item number code. If unknown, leave this field blank.
20. Chargeable weight: Enter the chargeable weight if applicable. This is the gross weight minus tare weight for carrier-owned containers, or the tariff-allowed tare weight for shipper-owned containers. For bulk shipments, this may be the dimensional weight.
21. Rate/charge: This is the rate or charge that applies to the shipment.
22. Total: The total charge for each entry may be inserted on the same horizontal line. When there is more than one entry, the sum may be inserted at the bottom.
23. Nature and quantity of goods: Insert a description of the nature and quantity of the goods, including dimensions or volume. Also insert ULD type code, ULD numbers and special handling codes.
24. Signature of shipper or agent: Include a printed or signed signature of the shipper or agent.
25. Executed on: This field is completed at time of tender by United Cargo’s agent.