Newark, NJ, US
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EWR Import Facility Address Change
05/09/2022 until further notice
Facility Address
United Cargo Facility - 344 Brewster
Building 344, Brewster Road
Newark Liberty Int'l Airport
Newark, NJ 07114 US
- Ambient roomULD: 19 PMCs or 34 LD3s (30 outlets), Bulk: is limited to 20 skids
- CoolerULD: max 4 PMC or 8 LD3s no more than 3500 lbs or less each. Bulk: 41 x 54, 2100 SF; Import shipments should be recovered in a timely manner
- Secured area10' x 8' FT. A security cage for bulk UA Secure shipments.
- Security camerasUA Secure ULDs / BUPs are monitored 24/7 by security cameras.
- eAWB import
- eAWB export
- Electrical outlets30 outlets available
- Dry-Ice replacement48 hours notice